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Setting up an export via Zapier
Setting up an export via Zapier

Via the Zapier service, lead data generated in contentbird Convert can be transferred to other systems in real time.

Maximilian Hoppe avatar
Written by Maximilian Hoppe
Updated over a week ago



To enable a simplified transfer of generated contact data into the CRM and newsletter systems of our customers, contentbird Convert implements the so-called RESTHooks API, which enables external applications to set up a subscription to the lead data of a campaign. Now, when new lead records are generated in the campaign, they are automatically exported to the registered services.

You can transfer the data directly via the RESTHooks API, provided you have the technical capabilities or developer capacity. In this way, you can take over the data from us in a data protection compliant manner.

A service that can help you integrate the data into the system you use is Zapier. Zapier makes it possible to retrieve the lead data generated by contentbird Convert via the RESTHooks API, to filter and transform it if necessary, and then to transfer it to various target systems. Here, even quite complex processes can be mapped if required.

❗ Note

Please note that the Zapier service is not covered by our GCU, as this is an external service provider outside the EU. In any case, have your data protection officer clarify whether you can use this route!


To configure the so-called "Zap", you need an API key for authentication at the RESTHook API of contenbird Convert. You generate this in the contentbird Convert backend in your personal profile (under "Company > Personal Profile > API Keys"). Even if you can use one API key for several RESTHook-enabled services, you should take advantage of the opportunity and at least create an individual API key for each service. This allows for simplified management in case you want to revoke/delete an API key. Each API key can optionally be assigned a name. However, you can also identify the corresponding API key based on the prefix shown in the overview:

If you need a new API key, please press "create new Api key". A new API key will be generated immediately and displayed in the following dialog:

You can specify the name for this key now (or at a later time).


Please transfer the Api key immediately (e.g. to the clipboard), because it cannot be retrieved again after leaving the dialog. The Api key is stored in the database in one-way encrypted form, just like your personal access data, and cannot be restored. If you have forgotten the Api key, simply create a new one and delete the previous one.

Setup of the "Zap


Please provide us with your Zapier registered email address so that we can invite you to our Zapier connector for contentbird Convert. This is not yet available to the general public at the moment.

In the backend of Zapier, go to the "Zaps" menu item and select "Create Zap":

Please find contentbird Convert from the offered list of "App Events" (the easiest way is to use the offered search function) and select the desired "Trigger Event".

The next step is to define which credentials will be used to connect to the contentbird Convert API. If you have not yet defined a connection here or would like to create a new one, then please select "Connect a new account" in the dropdown.

In the following dialog please enter the previously generated API key from your profile and click on "Yes, continue":

Zapier now checks whether access is possible using the specified API key and then stores the account in your newly created Zap. Continue the configuration of the Zap with "Continue".

In the "Set up trigger" step, select the campaign of your account for which the lead data is to be processed. For campaigns with sub-formats, it is also possible to select these specifically (e.g. as part of an Advent campaign):

The trigger that has been set up is then tested:

contentbird Convert generates sample data for this test, which can be used in subsequent steps to configure processing and mapping into your desired target system:

The configuration of the "trigger", i.e. the data input, is now complete. How Zapier now filters, prepares and transfers the data to your desired target system is highly individual. Therefore, please refer to Zapier's documentation for the possibilities and steps required for this.

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