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Content import

#Operations: Import planned or already published content via CSV.

Maximilian Hoppe avatar
Written by Maximilian Hoppe
Updated over a week ago

Reading time: 3:30

To avoid having to create each content individually in contentbird, you can do this via a CSV import. To do this, download a CSV template that is already partially pre-filled. You determine which information should already be included and add any missing details. Afterwards you upload it again.

Please note that only the respective data records (tickets) are created in contentbird by the import! Depending on the status, the texts must then be written, or manually copied from the website into the respective content editor. If you wish, we can perform an automated import of your website content, but this requires our technology to become active. Please contact us if you are interested:

You can find the content import under:

Administration > Content Import

1) Generate a standard CSV template:

After you have selected the project you will get to the import wizard:

After you have defined the project, you define with which values your CSV standard template should be prefilled:

( 1 ) Number of records to import = Contents (tickets) that will be created.

( 2 ) Fields (columns) whose values should be prefilled.

( 3 ) Display additional fields (columns) that are to be prefilled.

( 4 ) Download prefilled CSV file here.

Example of a standard CSV template:

Important: Do not change the column descriptions (project, title, language, ... ) during the following editing of the file, otherwise the import will fail!

2) Enrich a standard CSV template with additional data:

If you want to enrich the template with additional information, click on the next step "Data IDs" in the Import Wizard:

( 1 ) Second step of the Import Wizard "Data IDs".

( 2 ) Overview of the fields whose values are mapped with IDs.

( 3 ) Each value of a field is assigned to an ID, which is then entered into the table instead of the value. In the above example, the briefing templates are already to appear in the respective ticket; for this purpose, the ID 2 must be entered in the CSV template for the briefing template "Blog post", for example.

( 4 ) If a field requires a date, it can be entered in the following formats:

  • d.m.Y (example: 2018-05-01)

  • Y-m-d (example: 2018-05-01)

( 5 ) Text fields

For the text fields listed below, no IDs are used but plain text:

Important: Keywords, tags and the values of an own multiple selection field are entered comma-separated and without spaces in the designated cell.

Basically, this data does not have to be predefined! If the values do not yet exist in contentbird, they will be created during the import. Therefore it is very important to pay attention to the correct spelling of existing values (e.g. tags), otherwise a value will be created twice - for example: Houses <=> Houses

The following fields / columns are mandatory and must be filled before import!:

  • Status

  • Title

  • Language

3) Saving a standard CSV template

After you have completed the CSV file, please save it again in the original format.

In Excel use this format:

  • CSV UTF-8 (separated by separator) (*.csv)

In Libre Office, these storage options must be selected:

4) Upload a standard CSV template

( 1 ) Select the last step of the import wizard.

( 2 ) Dropzone for the CSV file => Drag the CSV file into this area. Alternatively, you can also open the file manager by clicking on it.

After a successful import you will get this view:

If there are any errors during the import, you will receive specific information afterwards, so that you can correct the CSV file for a new upload.

Depending on the size of your CSV file, the import may take longer. You will then receive a notification by e-mail after completion.

In case of errors, you will find a CSV file with the addition "(failed)" in the file name in the attachment. In it you will find the failed records with corresponding notes.

5) Generating a Google Search Console template

Importing already published content is especially easy if Google's Search Console has been linked to the corresponding project.

Select the project, click on the corresponding field and you will receive a CSV file as download containing all ranking URLs of the last 3 months - including the keywords addressed by Google! Prerequisite for a ranking URL: It must have appeared in the Google results (impression)).

In the Google Search Console template, the publication URL is also used as the title. It will be replaced by the correct title from the meta description of the website after the import.

For this purpose, the website is visited by the contentbird crawler, so do not delete the publication URL from the Title column! If a website turns out to no longer exist (404 error message), the associated content is deleted in contentbird. Basically, each URL can be imported only once, even if it is assigned to another project!

To further process the Google Search Console Template with additional data, proceed as described in points 2 - 4.

In the case of the Google Search Console template, the following fields / columns are mandatory and must be filled before importing!

  • Status

  • Type

  • Title (already given by publication URL)

  • Language

  • Publication URL

  • Cost (if you don't know it, you can enter 0 here)

After successful import, the performance data (visitors, rankings) of the last 3 months from the date of import will be pulled retroactively.

The Search Console import in video:

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