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First Steps Content Operations
First Steps Content Operations

#Operations: Set up the contentbird Operations platform.

Maximilian Hoppe avatar
Written by Maximilian Hoppe
Updated over a week ago

After reading this checklist you should be able to configure contentbird in its basic settings so that:

  • projects exist

  • metrics are drawn

  • users are created and

  • workflows are defined

Reading time: 4:30

Essential settings are marked with *.

1. Project

Administration > Projects

A project in contentbird is always a domain for which content marketing and / or outreach is performed.

( 1 ) Create new project

( 2 ) Edit existing project

After clicking on Details you will get to the project settings:

( 1 ) Details

Enter the domain name of your project here, it can be a subdomain or a subdirectory.

( 2 ) Strategy

Here you can store the strategy characteristics of your project (e.g. vision) as well as the individual contents (e.g. persona).

( 3 ) Campaigns

Campaigns are used to segment data records within a project: The global filter can then be used to access the correspondingly marked data records via different campaigns:

( 4 ) Keywords

Here you can manage the keywords of your project. By marking one or more keywords, you can trigger corresponding actions:

( 5 ) Integrations

Integration of social platforms: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are available to you for so-called content seeding. If you integrate these, you can schedule your social posts and then have them published automatically.

Google Analytics*

The integration of Google Analytics allows you to collect a variety of metrics - such as visitor numbers, bounce rate and dwell time - in order to then combine them with other metrics in contentbird.

Google Search Console*

Integrate Google Search Console to monitor the rankings of your keywords. Please note the following special feature of the Search Console: Rankings are only delivered if there are also impressions! This means: Only if a search result was actually seen in the Google result pages, the ranking position is recorded. See also:

Detailed instructions for integration using Google Analytics as an example can be found here.

2. User

Administration > Users

( 1 ) Create new user

( 2 ) Overview of users by role

( 3 ) User status

( 4 ) Edit user

( 5 ) Delete user or change status

2.1 Create / edit user

In the first step you define the role the user should take. It is defined by the access rights in step 2:

( 1 ) Select from existing role

( 2 ) Create new role

Once you select an existing role for a user, you cannot change the access rights. If you want a new combination of access rights, you must create a new role first.

2.2 Creating a new role

Enter a name for the new role:

2.3 Set access rights / project assignment

Use the checkbox to select the access rights that the new role should have. Also define which projects this role is allowed to access.

2.4 Enter user data

Here now you enter the personal data of the user. As soon as you send this, the respective person will receive your access data by mail:

3. system

Administration > System

Here you make the basic settings for the following areas:

( 1 ) Content settings regarding:

  • Content Ideas Pipeline

  • Content pipeline

  • Calendar

  • Content Editor

  • Briefing Templates

  • Layout Templates

( 2 ) Outreach settings regarding:

  • Contacts

  • Websites

  • E-mail templates

  • Mailbox

( 3 ) SEO Setting regarding:

  • Analysis: Monitored keywords

( 4 ) Administration

  • Currency used in the system

  • Column arrangement in content idea and content pipeline

3.1 Content

All settings made here have a direct impact on the content planning and creation process, which can thus be adapted to individual needs.

3.1.1 Custom fields

Define your own fields for contents in order to be able to filter them later in the content pipeline.

The following field types can be defined:

  • Text fields

  • Single selection

  • Multiple selection

3.1.2 Status

Your individual content production and release process results from the statuses defined here. Their order determines the arrangement of the tabs in the two content pipelines: statuses can be added, deleted or renamed. The following statuses can only be renamed, but not deleted, as they are system-relevant:

  • Idea

  • Rejected

  • Accepted

  • In production

  • Published

3.1.2 Types

Content types determine the type of content in question, such as:

  • Blog post

  • Landing page

  • Whitepaper


The content types are also available as filters in the content pipeline.

3.1.3 Templates

Two types of templates can be defined for content:

  • Content Briefing Templates

  • Content Layout Templates

The Content Briefing Template is a time-saver when it comes to creating recurring briefings, which then only need to be adapted minimally.

The Content Layout Template can be loaded as a template into the Content Editor. This way, the author writes in the correct format right away, the structure of which naturally has an impact on the content.

3.2 Outreach network

The CRM and e-mail system, which can be used e.g. for content seeding, is configured by these settings.

3.2.1 Custom Fields

Custom fields can be defined independently for both contacts and websites. This way, additional required information can be stored with the contact and website records. Again, these are the following field types:

  • Text fields

  • Single selection

  • Multiple selection

3.2.2 Domains

Here you define which SMTP server should be used to send your e-mails. You can choose between two methods:

  • The "Managed Service" via our partner

  • Your own SMTP server

In both cases it is about having your own e-mail address. Ideally, this should contain the domain of the project in whose name you are contacting. You can find detailed instructions here.

3.2.3 Sender e-mail profiles

A sender profile consists of:

  • E-mail address

  • Display name

  • Signature

A sender profile can be used by several users, so that communications (e-mail histories) are not explicitly bound to one user. Thus, a team can appear to the outside world as one person.

To operate with own e-mail addresses, the respective sender domain must be defined as described in 3.2.2.

3.4 SEO

These settings refer to the monitored keywords in the analysis.

3.3.1 Keyword groups

Here you can define the groups to which keywords can be assigned in the keyword management. Under Analysis > Monitored Keywords, you can then filter for these keyword groups.

3.5 Administration

Various basic settings.

3.5.1 General

Set here the currency to be used in the system - there is no conversion ;)

3.5.2 Table views

Set here the column order of the Content Ideas Pipeline and the Content Pipeline. Individual columns can be shown or hidden in the corresponding overviews.

4. content import

In order to make planned or already published content available in contentbird, it can be imported, for more details click here:

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