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Strategic theme planning
Strategic theme planning

#Operations: Targeted content planning according to thematic aspects.

Maximilian Hoppe avatar
Written by Maximilian Hoppe
Updated over a week ago

The strategic topic planning enables a targeted approach to the implementation of topics by combining 3 views. The strategic theme planning can be found under Planning and Creation:

1. topic planning

After calling the function, the topic planning appears in table view:

( 1 ) Theme planning tab

( 2 ) Kanban tab => leads to Kanban view

( 3 ) Project selection

( 4 ) Filter period

( 5 ) Choice of view (table or mindmap)

( 6 ) Creation of a new topic tree

( 7 ) Topic tree consisting of: Topic field (blue), Topic (orange) and Story (green).

( 8 ) Contents, assigned to the story

2. topic trees

Via the button "Create new" a new topic tree can be created. Several theme trees can exist in parallel in one project. Furthermore, you can define whether a tree has 2 or 3 levels:

Theme tree with 3 levels:

Theme tree with 2 levels:

A topic can have several topics attached to it, and these in turn can have several stories attached to them. The stories contain the assigned ideas and contents. This becomes clearer by changing the view mode to Mindmap:

Topic trees can be created in the table view as well as in the mindmap.

3. profiles for topic fields, topics and stories

Additional information can be added to topic fields, topics and stories in the form of a "profile".

Clicking on the name of the respective element opens the profile, here using the example of a topic:

( 1 ) Opens input mask

( 2 ) Opens calendar => the calendar is filtered accordingly, in this case according to the topic "Content Operations".

( 3 ) Comment option

( 4 ) Attachments, size unlimited

3.1 Editing the profile

Clicking on the pencil icon, opens the input mask. Again using the example of a topic:

( 1 ) Name of the element. Topic fields, topics and stories can be named, but a name can only be used once - even across topic trees!

( 2 ) Period in which a topic is played.

( 3 ) Status of the topic in the Kanban.

( 4 ) Persona to which the topic is directed, originates from the project strategy.

( 5 ) Customer journey phase that the topic addresses, comes from the project strategy.

2. content topics kanban

The special feature of the Kanban view is the statuses in which topics and stories can be located. These are not to be confused with the editing statuses of individual contents!

Topic/Story statuses are defined in the system administration. Five standard statuses are already predefined:

In the Kanban view, the statuses then appear as column headings:

( 1 ) Project selection

( 2 ) Topic/Story status

( 3 ) Filter topic field - only available in Kanban!

( 4 ) Filter topic - also only available in Kanban!

( 5 ) Filter topic/story period

( 6 ) Filter for active topics and stories

( 7 ) Switch between topic and story view

Topics and Stories (shown as cards) can be moved between the columns by drag & drop, as usual in Kanban, which changes the status of the topic:

4. further options

The following icons are visible on the right edge of the story (table view):

( 1 ) Users who are assigned to the contents of this story. That is, all creators, managers, authors, observers, and subscribers of a content.

( 2 ) Number of assigned ideas / contents, click to open the following overview:

( 3 ) Status distribution of the assigned ideas / contents

( 4 ) Creation and assignment of ideas / contents

( 5 ) Delete the story - Attention: Story will be removed from all contents!

( 6 ) Open calendar filtered by ideas / contents of this story

Representation of the story in the Kanban view:

And in the mind map:

5. filtering by time periods (table and kanban view).

For topics and stories, time periods can be set in the profile for their topicality. If there is no time limit, the checkbox "Permanent" can be set.

To clarify:

( 1 ) Topic with period => Limited topicality - if today's date falls within the period of the topic, it will be displayed.

( 2 ) Topic with permanent period => Always up to date, so it will always be displayed.

( 3 ) Topic without period => Without topicality, will be hidden when filtering for active topics and periods!

Of course, you can also filter by a specific time period:

If the time period of a topic falls within the filtered time period, this topic will be displayed ( 1 ). Topics whose time periods overlap with the filtering will also be displayed ( 2 ) & ( 3 ):

If the period of a topic is outside the filtering, in the above case e.g. 01.11.2021 - 31.12.2021, the topic will be hidden - as well as topics without a period.

Strategic topic planning with the help of AI

AI can also help you with strategic topic planning. Especially in the beginning it can be challenging to find the right and meaningful start.

You will find a suitable template in the strategic topic planning section:

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