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Content Editor

#Operations: The most important facts about the new contentbird Editor

Maximilian Hoppe avatar
Written by Maximilian Hoppe
Updated over a week ago

Before using the edit mode must be switched on:

The following warning appears, which - if no longer required - can be hidden:

After that, the editor's toolbar becomes visible and the text field is ready for input.

If the navigation bar and unneeded function elements take up too much space, we recommend using the "Fullscreen Mode" in which they are hidden. This creates a larger writing surface:

In addition to the standard functions, such as formatting fonts and paragraphs, the editor has a number of special features:

1. versioning

As soon as there is a pause > 1 second during typing, the content in the editor is cached on the contentbird servers. It is therefore possible to leave the editor and resume work at a later time. In the content pipeline, an activated editing mode is displayed as follows:

To save the content permanently, it must be saved as a "version". This creates different versions that can be compared with each other and reactivated if necessary.

Attention! If the editing mode is left without saving a version, all changes as well as inline comments (see 3.) will be lost!

There are two ways to save a new version:



In both cases, this input slot opens:

If no name is assigned, date and time are used by default, which are saved anyway.

The version history can be accessed in two ways:



In both cases, one arrives at the following view, in which the differences between become clear.

Red highlighted and strikethrough text has been removed, green text has been added.

Other options:

Via "Show more" the relevant version:

a. be used for comparison

b. renamed

c. be restored as the latest version

2. change tracking

After the function is turned on, suggested changes can be made in the text, which can then be accepted and or rejected.

( 1 ) Removed text

( 2 ) Inserted text

( 3 ) Number of suggested changes

Removed or inserted text is displayed accordingly and a note appears on the side. The green tick placed in it accepts the change, the red "x" discards it. If there is any ambiguity between users regarding the change, it can be commented via "Reply...". The number of suggested changes is displayed in orange in the bottom right corner of the editor.

Accepting/rejecting change proposals in bulk

Either all changes en bloc can be accepted or rejected, or only selected ones. If only selected changes are to be accepted/rejected, the text passage in which they are located must be selected:

Note: Change tracking only works when edit mode is on and therefore cannot be used by observers.

3. inline comments

To comment on a specific word or text passage it must first be marked:

A click on the speech bubble then opens the comment function on the right margin:

With "@" other users can be mentioned in a comment, they will then receive a notification (in-app and email) and can respond to the comment on your part:

4. export to Word or PDF

The content in the editor can be exported to either Word or PDF. To do this, it is downloaded locally in the appropriate format.

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