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Content translation

#Operations: Workflow for translations using the reference mode.

Maximilian Hoppe avatar
Written by Maximilian Hoppe
Updated over a week ago

The following points should be considered when translating existing content:

  1. Duplicating and selecting the target language

  2. Use of the reference mode

  3. Filtering options

1) Duplicate and select target language

First, identify the content to be translated in the content pipeline. Then select "Duplicate" from the dropdown in front of the content:

For the content to be duplicated, the same setting options then arise as for the creation of a new content. Especially the choice of the language and the project should be mentioned here, because at least one of these two characteristics will differ from the original content:

The title of the duplicate is given the addition (Copy) so that it is different from the original. The title can also be translated into the target language and changed in the mask to that effect.

At the bottom of the mask there are these two options:

( 1 ) If this checkbox is set, the last version of the duplicated content is transferred to the editor. For a translation, however, the editor should remain empty, because it is supposed to accommodate the translation.

( 2 ) Setting this checkbox takes over the information that is available in the own elements. Attention: If the content type is changed, the corresponding own elements must also be present there!

2) Using the reference mode

Afterwards the duplicate appears in the content pipeline:

After opening the duplicate, a green check mark appears above the editor at "Reference Mode":

This is the indication that there is already a referenced text in the place, which will be visible after opening:

( 1 ) Source text for translation

( 2 ) Editor for the translation.

Now you can start with the translation, here tools like e.g. offer themselves. Simply copy the text from the left text box, transfer it to and copy the translated text into the editor on the left side - switch on the edit mode before!

After leaving the reference mode, the translated text is in the editor - don't forget to save it!

3) Filtering options

In order to retrieve the translations of a text, the number of times it has been referenced or translated is displayed in the content pipeline under the title of the original:

Clicking on the link (referenced 2x) will filter the content pipeline for the translations:

This filtering can also be called up via:

At "Content Attributes" ( 1 ) select the filter "Reference Content" ( 2 ):

Then enter the title of the original:

And again you get the above result:

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